Vice President for Student Life
The Office of Student Life (OSL) is dedicated to enhancing a vital campus community through dynamic curricular and co-curricular opportunities. To unite these functions, OSL oversees the co-curricular education of students in partnership with academic life.
To further strengthen this relationship, the Vice President for Student Life serves as a liaison between academic work under the Vice President of Academic Affairs and various student life programs. In addition to managing all the units that comprise OSL, the Vice President (or designee) acts as ombudsperson to all students to assist in resolving problems in the matter of community standards and expectations, discipline issues, and appeals.
Students may request the services of the University ombudsperson as a neutral party who can assist in resolving problems that arise with respect to academic and student life policies. The ombudsperson will help students understand procedures, including both their rights and responsibilities as students, and the rights and responsibilities of University officials. The ombudsperson role does not substitute for the University judicial and appeal channel, but may assist students in understanding and navigating processes. Students wishing the services of a University ombudsperson should contact the Vice President for Student Life by calling 206-281-2481. While the Vice President is typically the University ombudsperson, a designee may be appointed in certain situations (e.g., if there is a potential conflict of interest).
Certain Administrative Appeals
To resolve problems related to enrollment services, such as admissions, financial aid, or student accounts, student may contact the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing (VPEMM) by calling 206-281-2650. To appeal a decision to the VPEMM, a student must first complete the office or area process of appeal. This process is typically a written appeal to the departmental head. If the student is not satisfied that his or her interests were properly served by the area appeal process, an appeal may be directed to the VPEMM. The appeal should include all information that was submitted through the area appeal process.
Written appeals related to registration and records policies may be directed to the Office of the Registrar by calling 206-281-2031 or emailing If not satisfied that his or her interests were properly served, a student may direct a written appeal, accompanied by all information submitted at previous appeal levels, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Academic Appeals
The Undergraduate Catalog contains detailed information about the policy and process for undergraduate academic appeals under "Academic Policies and Procedures - Academic Appeals."
External Organizations
Depending on the situation, you may also wish to contact one or more of the organizations listed below to seek resolution of your concern (however, please note that in many cases you will be expected to first exhaust all internal University processes.)
Washington State Office of the Attorney General
1125 Washington St. SE
P.O. Box 50100
Olympia, WA 98504-0100
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
8060 165th Ave. NE, Suite 100
Redmond, WA 98052
425-376-0596 (fax)
Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)*
P.O. Box 43430
Olympia, WA 98504-3430
*The WSAC has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.
Last published on 12/11/2020